Topics of the Introductory Course

This course of 33 topics, held weekly and spanning the course of about a year, serves as a foundation for the further study of esotericism, and the science and ethics of meditation.
Course Topics
1. Introduction to Gnosis
-What is Gnosis?
- The 4 Pillars - Science, Philosophy, Art and Religion
2. The Four Ways
- The Fakir - Order and discipline in life and the esoteric work
- The Monk - Devotion, prayer, developing the faculties of the heart
- The Yogi - Esoteric study and practice, self knowledge
- The 4th Way - The 'Straight and Narrow' The Esoteric path, or path to enlightenment
3. The Two Lines of Life
- The Being and the personality (the Spiritual and the Physical)
- Raising our level of Being
- Happiness and balance in life
4. Need and Greed
- Human needs, moderation
- The mechanism of sensation and satisfaction
5. Consciousness, Personality and the Animal Ego
- Consciousness - developing consciousness, our essential nature, direct mystical experience
- The many selves, or I's, dissolving the ego
- The false personality - thinking and living mechanically
6. The Human Machine & the Pluralized "I"
- 5 centres of the human machine - intellect, emotion, motor, instinct, sex
- The balance of the centres
7. The Three Brains & How to Solve Problems
- How to relax, manage stress, and dissolve problems
- Balance in the mind, emotion and life
8. The Three Minds
- The Sensorial Mind - The mind of the 5 senses, the material mind
- Intermediate Mind - Mind of belief
- Interior mind - The vehicle of the Being, objective knowledge, imagination and intuition
9. The Universal Mind
- The cosmic/universal mind
- The microcosmic or human mind
- "As above, so below", "The interior is the exterior"
- Imagination and will
- Mental epidemics, mental hygiene
10. The Spatial Sense & The Fourth Dimension
- Intimate remembrance of the Being
- Multi-dimensional universe
- The 4th dimension, hyperspace
11. The Awakening of Consciousness
- Infinite possibilities of human consciousness
- The 4 states of consciousness
- Techniques and practices for the awakening of consciousness
12. Learning How to Listen
- Self remembering and relaxation
- Concentration
- Listening consciously
13. Return, Recurrence and Reincarnation
- The great machinery of nature, and its intelligent laws
- Destiny and fate
- Liberation from repetition in life and the mind
- Rhythm, order and balance
14. The laws of Karma and Dharma
- The law of cause and effect
- Types of karma
- Managing, paying and liberation from Karma
- Dharma
15. The Mysteries of Life and Death (I)
- Physical death and mystical death
- Energies of life and death
- Living in the moment
16. The Mysteries of Life and Death (II)
- The ray of death
- Angels of life and death
- The 4 worlds - Mineral (Infernos), Cellular (Physical), Molecular (Paradise), Electronic (Light)
17. Evolution, Involution, Revolution
- Transmigration of the soul
- The Wheel of Samsara
- The mechanics of nature
18. The Seven Rounds and Seven Races
- The creation of man and the world
- The authentic history of our humanity and our race
- Lemuria, Atlantis etc.
19. The Origin of the "I"
- The Kundabuffer organ and the fall of humanity
- The dissolution of the ego
- The sacred fire, the sacred serpent Kundalini
20. The Lunar Influence
- Influence of the moon
- The law of the pendulum
- Psychological moon
21. The Hidden Face of our Psychological Moon
- The visible and invisible sides of our psychology
22. Universal Sound
- The creative power of the word
- Energy, matter, vibration, movement and sound
- Mantras
23. The Seven Cosmos
- Absolute reality, Absolute Abstract Space
- The ray of creation
- The laws of 3 and 7
- Our place in creation
24. The Tree of Life
- Introduction to the Kabbalah
- The 10 Sephiroth and the 4 worlds
- The tree of life and the tree of knowledge
25. The Study of the Solar Man
- Esoteric development
- Creation of the solar/spiritual humanity
26. The Seven Types of Man
- Mechanical and conscious humanity
- Instinctive, emotional and intellectual human beings
- The balanced human being
- The solar human being
27. Psychic Development
- Sensations and impressions
- Concept and reality
- Spiritual development
28. Transformation of Impressions
- Self knowledge
- Transform yourself, transform your life
- The exterior reality and the interior reality
29. Prana, Tattwas and Pranayama
- The 4 elements - fire, air, water, earth
- the Tattvas and the elementals of nature
- The Akash, the Vital body, Pranayama
30. "Sexual Hydrogen" SI - 12
- Esoteric chemistry
- Sustenance and foundation of the body's energies
31. Astral Travel
- The world of dreams
- Direct esoteric experience in the Astral world
- Discipline and techniques for Astral travel
32. The New Age of Aquarius
- The Sidereal year - 25,920 years
- The Aquarian ray
33. The Pancatattwa Ritual
- The five elements: earth, air, fire, water, ether.
- How to use wisely these 5 elements
- Study of authentic white tantra