With every return of spring, the equinox, brings with it forces for the process of renewal, rejuvenation, transformation: physically, which we can observe clearly in the kingdoms of nature; psychologically; and esoterically, or spiritually. Below are some excerpts that explain a little about the relationship between the Cosmic Christ and the physical sun. That Easter is not something remote, something that happened long ago and far away, but rather a cosmic and personal event. A process lived by all the great initiates, and so publicly by that great master, Jesus of Nazareth, out of love for humanity.
The physical Sun is just the symbol of the Spiritual Sun, of the Christ-Sun. When the ancient people adored the Sun, when they worshipped him, they were not worshipping the physical Sun. No, the cult was to the Spiritual Sun, to the Midnight Sun, the Christ- Sun. Undoubtedly, it is the Christ-Sun who has to lead us in the superior worlds of Consciousness. Every mystic that learns to work out of his physical body voluntarily, is guided by the Midnight Sun, by the Cosmic Christ.
Observe the King of Stars in his elliptical orbit as he travels from south to north and back again. When he travels to the north, we celebrate the birth of the Infant Sun. He is born on December 24th at midnight in order to dawn on December 25th. If the Christ-Sun did not move northwards, the whole earth would become a huge piece of ice and all life would perish. The Sun-god, however, does advance northwards on December 24th to animate and give heat and life to all creatures. The Infant-Sun is born on December 24th in order to dawn on December 25th; he crucifies himself at the spring equinox to give life to all that exists…
This is the cosmic drama that is repeated from moment to moment in all infinite space, in all worlds, in all suns. This is the cosmic drama that is represented in all the temples of Egypt, Greece, India, Mexico, etc. This is the cosmic drama that is represented in all the temples of all the worlds of infinite space.
Samael Aun Weor Christmas Message 1966-1967
